
Air 5 Foundation
Capt. Syed Asif Raza
Founder / Chairman

A Confident and Professional pilot, having diverse experience of flying the demanding and challenging assignments keeping the safety and procedures as the primary regulatory requirement.

Flown various types of aircraft in different scenarios for various companies/operators. Over 35 years of Aviation experience in the industry and have performed in difficult conditions with calm and composed manner.

In good physical health and capable of handling situation under pressure. Apart from flying skills, also has good Aviation management and flight operations experience. Worked for reputed companies for day / night passenger charter and night scheduled cargo service on both domestic / international routes. A very challenging experience of relief and rescue operations as Air Ambulance pilot throughout Pakistan as per the requirement on short notices.

Air 5 Foundation
Capt. Sajid Sharif Randhawa
Chief Pilot

Capt. Sajid Sharif Randhawa who is a fighter pilot P.A.F turned commercial pilot has rich experience in military and civil aviation fields. From high speed fighter aircrafts to slow speed civil trainer aircrafts,

He has mastered and achieved excellence. After P.A.F he joined Air Eagle Aviation Academy where he graduated many courses of student pilots as Chief Ground Instructor/Flying instructor. He successfully conducted flying instructor training courses and has rich experience in flying training,Aviation administration and leadership skills.

Air 5 Foundation
Professor Zubair Ahmed Abbasi
Director Air Medical Services

BDS, M.Sc, FFD RSCI, Principal Sindh Institute of Oral Health Sciences, Jinnah Sindh Medical University, Karachi, has graduated from Liaquat University Medical Sciences (LUMS) Jamshoro in 1989.

He specialize in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and a lead clinician in oral and Maxillofacial surgery. He completed M.Sc. in Oral Surgery and then finally got the highly prestigious Fellowship in Faculty of Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland (FFD RCSI) in 1999.